Reduce, Reuse, Rent: The Eco-Friendly Alternative to Furniture Ownership

Owning furniture is a lifelong commitment—it’s stressful! And usually, when it ends, you’re left with an out-of-style item and a landfill of regret. In our last post 2022 in Review we unpacked how landfills operate and the harmful effects they have on our environment. But don’t worry! Furniture rental is the sustainable, eco-friendly alternative that can keep that landfill blissfully empty.

When we purchase furniture, we tend to consider quality, style, and whether it fits the needs of our current space. The reality is that furniture often only lasts a few years before it’s worn out or goes out of style. Not to mention that between the ages of 18-35, people move an average of 12 times and frankly, we don’t have time to choose our next apartment based on whether it accommodates our furniture.

As a result, millions of tons of furniture end up in landfills each year, where they release dangerous chemicals into the environment. Slowly but surely being absorbed by plants, animals, and humans.

Feather has partnered with the top manufacturers and suppliers in the world to ensure we’re producing furniture made to last and live multiple lives. 

Furniture Production

The production of new furniture requires large amounts of raw materials. Medium Density Fibreboard is an inexpensive wood composite grossly used by many of today's furniture manufacturers. Made up of bits of wood and/or construction debris, it was initially created as a way to put leftover material to use. However, as the furniture industry continues to evolve, the cheap, easy alternative became less of an afterthought and the demand for it skyrocketed. The truth about MDF is that it’s nothing to write home about. Not only is it poor in quality, as it lacks durability and is non-water resistant, but it also carries serious health concerns—mainly from the binding resin, formaldehyde. Now, if that word sounds familiar, it may be because you recognize it from your favorite horror movie. Formaldehyde is a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) widely known for preserving dead bodies. It’s classified as a Group 1 Carcinogen and let's put it this way, it’s best we all avoid ingesting it. Unfortunately, MDF and formaldehyde are found in various household products and often take the place of raw materials we could be using as healthier, more sustainable alternatives.

Feather private label takes pride in utilizing sustainable materials such as FSC-certified wood, natural & water-based finishes, and glues & stains with zero VOC emissions. By choosing to rent with Feather, you’ll reduce your exposure to these toxic materials and help conserve precious resources.

The Sustainable Option

Renting with Feather is a sustainable option that reduces your carbon footprint and allows you to mold your furniture around your life and not the other way around. So next time you find yourself needing furniture, consider renting instead of buying. We can furnish anything from your home office to your full apartment, and everything in between. You’ll help create a better tomorrow for yourself and your planet!


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2022 in Review