2022 in Review

Time flies. Days turn to weeks, the weeks to months, and the months to years. The end of each year is special as it marks a threshold in the passage of time. It allows us space to pause, reflect, practice gratitude, and look ahead. As a company, 2022 brought many lessons encouraging us to look inward and in some cases, change course (read about The Evolution of Feather.) We understand the importance of growth and adaptation and as a result, we face the new year with bright and shiny armor, ready to venture the peaks and valleys ahead.

As we take a moment to reflect and learn from 2022, we want to share some highlights! Reflecting on 2022 isn’t all about us, it’s also about you, our customer. In fact, through the many changes Feather has endured, one thing has remained constant—our customer-centric commitment. Everything we do is about you and our environmental impact. So, make yourself comfortable. We’ll take you through your favorite items and the impact that your decision to rent has made on our planet. And hey, if you stick around until the end, you just might see some homes you recognize! Our customers love to show their Feathered nests, and we want to show the love right back.

Without further ado, here is your 2022 recap.


What You Loved

In partnering with the best designers and manufacturers, we've composed a selection of beautiful furniture items that you can live with, and love, for as long as you have them. We keep a close eye on customer feedback and follow design trends to ensure you receive both quality and style.

Well folks, it seems the attention to detail paid off. This year, your favorite items ranged across various categories!

This year’s top items most frequently landed within your:

⭒ Living rooms ⭒ Dining rooms ⭒ Bedrooms

The fan favorites themselves were:

Drum roll please

2022 Best Sellers


Our Environmental Impact

Feather’s company mission is to keep furniture in homes and out of landfills. But what does that really mean and why is it so important?

When it comes to the topic of sustainability and environmental impact it’s easy to brush the details under the rug. We know the basics—waste is bad, landfills are harmful. What many don’t realize is that the issue impacts our day-to-day lives. In turn, our decisions matter. While we could write a novel on the topic (don’t tempt us), our summary will shed light on the importance of our mission and how we plan to tap into our full potential for years to come.

What happens at a landfill? 

Let's say you have a dresser that’s reached its expiration date months ago.

⇨ You call bulk pickup and off it goes, leaving room for a new one to take its place.

⇨ In no time, the old dresser will arrive at a nearby landfill.

⇨ Alongside the rest of the day’s waste, it will be thrown inside a large pit lined with clay and plastic.

⇨ Come nightfall, cover made of soil or construction debris will be thrown on top.

⇨ As the decomposition process starts, toxic gasses such as Methane start to release into the atmosphere.

⇨ Add in some rain or snow and mixed with waste, we have a poisonous liquid called Leachate.

While the toxic gasses such as Methane, contribute to air pollution, Leachate seeps into our groundwater. Both slowly but surely being absorbed by animals, plants and humans.

In our circular furniture model, items brought into our warehouses undergo intensive refurbishment and a thorough quality check.

From there, they’re ready to be loved in a new home.

This cycle repeats itself until items no longer reach Feather rental standards and are then donated to local charities.

Feather is proud to announce that in the year 2022, we were able to redeploy our furniture items 11,490 times. This kept 610,000 lbs (277,000 kg) of furniture out of landfills!

To put this into perspective, 610,000 lbs is the same as 763,000 “Live Laugh Love” signs that may or may not be hanging in our parents homes (if yes, please send them this link.)


Feather in the Wild

Well folks, 2022 came to an end and we couldn’t be more thankful to have had you along for the ride. Of course, highlights include the pictures and feedback you’ve sent us after your Feather deliveries.

Need more inspo? Check out pictures of how other customers Feathered their nests on our Pinterest!

Better yet, if you want to show off your own spaces, we’d love to see them.

Thank you for 2022 and here’s to a spectacular 2023! 


Reduce, Reuse, Rent: The Eco-Friendly Alternative to Furniture Ownership


Staging Made Easy